الثلاثاء، مايو ١٠، ٢٠٠٥

Hey Guys :D
Lets talk about Ourselves !
i find it really interesting to talk about myself and to read about You.. alllllllllll of You !
i'll start :D
* You can call me Cloud or Cloudish :) ( i've choosen this nickname cuz i feel that i look like the clouds or maybe i wish to be like them !)
* In July I'm going to be 23 ( it isn't a good news actually ~_~)
* People think i'm 17 or even 16 :S ( it isn't a good news too :P)
*i'm so simple and tiny ( friends used to call me namla or namool )
* i'm jobless :s
* i like sea food so much (^_^)
* i like chocolate and cakes
* i like Designing and reading novels
* i hate physics but love Einestine
* i'm in love with sea horses :")
* I like crab personality it is very funny
*i think that inside each cat there is a woman and inside each woman there is a cat !
* flying insects are nightmares :'(((
* i wanted to be a designer but i became an economist ( i'm not proud of that !)
* My GPA in high school was 4.00 points and in univ was 3.42 points( it isn't so bad ha?:P)
* i like biology and math and ate business
* today was my sister's Bday ^_^ ( hehehe..)
* i'm in love with 3bOood elb66a :D ( he isn't ba66a 7araam he is b6Oo6)
* i will never ever stop watching cartoons especially the old ones
* it's 2:12 AM now i'll go to sleep for a while
i'll stop now :)
Good night (^_^)


At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٦:٢٧:٠٠ ص, Blogger Hopeless Poet said...

If you wanna know about me I will refer you to the 2 lists of things about me I've posted long ago in my blog:

*I don't like biology and math and I like business :P
*Happy birthday to your sister
*Old cartoons rock! For sure you like 7ekayat 3alamiya! Everybody around here seems to like it ;)
*2:12 AM is early time to sleep in if you are jobless :P
Good morning :D

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٧:٣٩:٠٠ ص, Blogger Namika said...

Sometimes I don't like talking about myself, but you can know about me from my blog ;)

The only thing I can say for now is I am a two personality person (although my friend says I am not).. I am a Gemini you see.. so that is why I have two personalities..

Born in June ;)

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١٠:٤٤:٠٠ ص, Blogger Ra-1 said...

2 things u mentioned same as me!
points 3 and 6 :)

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١:٣١:٠٠ م, Blogger Unknown said...

ممتع ما كتبته

عن نفسي

أحب الكوكيز جداً جداً جداً
أربي ضفدع في غرفتي اسمه ( هفد ) وهو صديق وفي

أحب أفلام الكرتون

كما أحب القراءة


At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١:٥٢:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...

hopeless poet

i read your 2 lists they are cool but if i were u i wouldn't write that my name starts with Y :P

* U don't like Bio??! fee a77ad ma y7eb elbio ??! :P
* thanx ^_^
* Of course i love 7ekyat 3alameya!
* I like to sleep early :P

Good Afternoon :D

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١:٥٧:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...


You're two personality person !
i have only one personality o wayed 3alay :P

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١:٥٩:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...


Cool !
so we have somethings in common !:D

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٢:٠١:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...



I'm happy ! many things in common with u ! that's great !

By the way when is your Bday? :)

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٢:٠٦:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...

هلاً مها :)

أشعر أن شخصيتك تشبه شخصية صديقتي إلى حد كبير :D

أحب الضفادع أحس ان دمهم خفيف و ظريفين مثل القباقب
بس عندي سؤال.. ليش اخترتي إسم هفد؟؟ شنو يعني؟؟


At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٤:١١:٠٠ م, Blogger Rain Drop said...

* I'm 21 "3yooz"
* My dream was to study Genetic Engineering
* I love Math and Physics
* I enjoy playing chess
* I'm fond of traveling


* I love watching football matches :D

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٥:١٦:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...

Rain Drop

* You're not 3ayooozaaaaaaaa !!
* i dreamed of that too when i was in high school :)
* Physics makes me feel stupid :S
* nice :)
* i love traveling too :)
* i rarely watch them :D

Thnx rain drop :)

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٦:٥١:٠٠ م, Blogger Namika said...

lol clouds, I can handle them very well ;)

Seems I am the eldest in here :D will be 25 soon.. June..

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٧:٠٥:٠٠ م, Blogger Hopeless Poet said...

Why wouldn't you say that your name starts with Y? Don't force me to mention my full name in my blog :P
I don't like bio cos it is too much reading and boring! Maybe it was cos of the teacher, he was soo boring too :P

Good Evening :P

Namika: I am older than you!


At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ٩:٥٨:٠٠ م, Blogger Unknown said...



قصة طويلة
ذكروني أكتب عنها في يوم من الأيام

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١٠:٣٥:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...


أنا أكبر منج بسنه و شهر إلا 3 أيام


أنا مولودة في 23-7-1982


At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١٠:٣٩:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...

mashalla 3aleech :D

maybe you are the eldest girl here So you are mama 3ooda :P and hopeless poet baba 3ood :D

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١٠:٥١:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...

hopeless poet
Are You brave enough to mention your full name in your blog?? :P I'm not brave enough to do so i'm even not brave enough to mention what my real name starts with :P

Biology isn't Boring :S ! Business is the most boring thing on earth ~_~

hey poet u r baba 3oud now :P

Good nigh :D

At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١٠:٥٤:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...


يلا كتبيها


At الثلاثاء, مايو ١٠, ٢٠٠٥ ١٠:٥٩:٠٠ م, Blogger Expatriate said...

please explain it to me , how come : (( * i hate physics but love Einestine )) ?

I've always wondered: who built the other ? physics built Einestine ? or was it the other way ?

At الأربعاء, مايو ١١, ٢٠٠٥ ١٢:٠٨:٠٠ ص, Blogger ClOuDs said...


Yeah i hate physics but love Einestine !

I like his personality , his funny face , and his belief !

and by the way his wife was bad at physics ! :P

At الأربعاء, مايو ١١, ٢٠٠٥ ٨:٥٩:٠٠ ص, Blogger Rain Drop said...


I hate him :S
He is so scary!

At الأربعاء, مايو ١١, ٢٠٠٥ ٩:٢٦:٠٠ ص, Blogger Hopeless Poet said...

Good Morning :P

Baba 3oud? 7aram 3aleech :P
I am just few years older than you :(

Well, when I publish my book of poems inshallah you will all know my real full name ;)
Beside I am not that anynomous and I tell my name to anybody who asks me in private .. so if all bloggers sent me an email asking what is your first name I will tell them :P

Business is exciting :D

At الأربعاء, مايو ١١, ٢٠٠٥ ١١:٠٨:٠٠ ص, Blogger ClOuDs said...

Raiin Drop

He's Funny not scary !!

At الأربعاء, مايو ١١, ٢٠٠٥ ١١:١٣:٠٠ ص, Blogger ClOuDs said...

Good Morning Hopeless poet :P

baba 3oud cuz u r the eldest one here :D

no need to send u an email we can guess your name as long as it starts with Y ! :D

Business is boring ! ~_~

At الأربعاء, مايو ١١, ٢٠٠٥ ١١:١٧:٠٠ ص, Blogger ClOuDs said...


Yeah we're both loes :D

i'm not sure if 23rd is the first day it might be the second day i'm not sure !

At الأحد, مايو ١٥, ٢٠٠٥ ١٢:٢٤:٠٠ م, Blogger جنة الحواس said...

" i think that inside each cat there is a woman and inside each woman there is a cat !"

I like that .. very true :)

I'm cat ;)

At الأحد, مايو ١٥, ٢٠٠٥ ١١:٢٠:٠٠ م, Blogger ClOuDs said...


yes it's very true :)

حتى الفراعنة كانوا يرمزون للمرأة بالقطوة


cuz both of them are sly as they said :P


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